Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Passionate and Gifted

"Passion" By Gerald Ivey

Proverbs 18:16 says, "A man's gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men." I contemplated this scripture and the sermon of a new preacher, Steve Harvey. He explained very simplistically the urgency in practically applying the principles of the word of God more so than being able to quote passages.  Most importantly, he emphasized the fact that God placed a gift or gifts in all of us and gave simple instructions in how to locate them. That thing that we can do without any effort or struggle is a gift.
My gift is writing but it takes more than a pencil and notebook to get my point across. The prerequisite for this gift in particular to operate, my life has to exemplify what I am talking about. In other words, I must tell the truth because God gave me the gift to live out and minister its residue. I am mandated to live and tell the truth. If at any time I begin to move in fallacy, the truth will still come through me but my spirit will become chastened and grieved.  My gift is only strengthened by a consecrated lifestyle. The penalty that I am required to pay on a daily basis is that God get the glory out of what He allows me to see and articulate. I have no desire to write anything outside of my covenant relationship with Christ therefore I must live the oracles otherwise I will be chastened by His words.
Passion, I am learning is different from being gifted. Passion is the drive whereas the gift is the destination.  For instance we can be passionate about things that don't have anything to do with our purpose. Some people are passionate about singing but can't hold a note. They release the note from the pit of their bellies with full intent on making a harmonious sound just for it to sound like crackling glass while hitting the floor. Their passion is not innate but instead is fueled by watching other singers and admiring to the point of covetousness. One should never covet the gifting in another because it says to God that what He created you to do is not good enough.
Back to the example....these wannabe singers mean well but don't possess the gift.  There are some instances where through the crackling glass there is an anointed sound. In this case passion fueled with practice creates a heavenly melody.
In essence, passion is not enough to walk through the door of opportunity. Mere faith without works is dead. Our gifts, once identified and understood will place us in atmospheres where they will begin to speak. God gives us the ability to hear its beckon. How do you identify your God-given purpose in life? Discover the gift by seeking the gift Giver then become passionate through practical application of learning its guidelines. Gifts from God demand a worthy lifestyle.

1 comment:

  1. All we have to do is ask, seek, and knock on the door and it shall be opened.
