Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Are you a passive Christian?

Christianity is not a passive process. The only way that we overcome is by the blood of the Lamb and the words of our testimony. The blood of Jesus sanctifies, or sets us apart from the way the world goes through things. The blood covers us and makes it appear to the world that we are not going through anything or that we think we are perfect. It's simply God's covering. Signs and wonders follow those who believe. When we come out of a trial in victory, it is our testimony that sets the captive free in those who are watching us. Now if we don't tell the truth of how we got over then the unbeliever that God sent our way can't be freed; at least not by us and we have then lost the winning of a soul for Jesus. This is no cake walk because there is constant scrutiny and naysayers with an agenda. Loving God and being saved places us on the front line of this spiritual battle whether we choose to fight or not. Obeying His commands brings brokenness to our carnal man which assures strength to our spirit man and in turn brings abundant blessings both materially and spiritually.

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