Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fasting and Praying/ Just a Thought

The Bible says that some things come out through fasting and prayer. This means that some strongholds, or satanic arguments against God's people will only come out when we "turn our plates over," or sacrifice our carnal desires to get stronger spiritually by reading the word of God, prayer, and denouncing anything unlike God in our atmospheres to drive out those things that have us bound. I am in my final week. I have never struggled so hard in my life to be sustained. I know that God uses food to discipline the flesh nature and that its not about food. But somehow falling into temptation with eating directly reflects the state of being in one's spirit. I recognize the breakdown in my spirit man and have been fighting to stay on course with God tooth and nail. The world is in a state of decay to where if you really don't have a relationship with God it will show. Whatever you are attracted to in this world will come to you and put you in a place where you will have to choose where your loyalties lie. You will choose what is more prevalent in your life....just a thought.....

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