Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Press Toward God: A Journey To The Prophetic Book

This book allows entrance into my journey into the presence of God. I am blessed with the unique gift of being able to capture what it feels like to shed the carnal man and in turn gain access to who it is that God has called me to be. Sin in our lives is used as a smoke screen to cover up our God-given purpose.  This book exposes sin and shows you how to press your way toward God in a confessional, poetic way.
Follow me on this journey and be healed.
Published by Cole Publishing in Marina Del Rey, CA (2005)
ISBN# 096787797-0
$13.95  email: misslead2@yahoo.com; http://tabletsofstonenewsletter.blogspot.com/; nelliemc35@gmail.com
for purchases of product.

1 comment:

  1. This book exposes sin and shows you how to press your way toward God in a confessional, poetic way. tablets under $100
